Sunday 28 August 2011

UK Talent Alert: Tiffany Page

"23-year-old, Fender-wielding Chrissie Hynde for the 21st century, complete with wild streak a mile wide." - Q Magazine

There are some artists that strike me within seconds of hearing them.

Tiffany Page was one of them...I was merrily going about my workout when I became transfixed with the screen and, in particular, Tiffany Page's video that was playing.

My first thought was "who is she and is she new and how long has she been around and where is she from and oh my god" You get the picture.

The song was On Your Head.

With a glowing GMTV report and guest appearance over a year ago, and the last activity on her youtube account being over 6 months ago, I'm left wondering what's going on? Are they releasing an album or not?

I have no idea why this artist is not a house-hold name but I do know that she has got what it takes to be just that. 

Sultry, with an excellent unique voice, great swagger and a real 90's influenced pop-rock sound.....a sound that will be making a comeback pretty soon, in my humblest onion (opinion).

I know of no tour dates as of the time of this blog and I'm not sure when a new album is being released. You can pre-order it on Amazon, though, so I guess one is coming.

I am so glad the record company is sticking with this girl, because, as you might know, artists these days rarely get a 2nd chance and the days of labels developing talent are pretty much gone.

Tiffany Page's success is ahead of her, I'm convinced of that. 

She's done so well so far but I think there is MUCH more to come. With the right management and team this lady is a superstar waiting to go atomic....they should play up to her SULTRY looks much more. The On Your Head video (above) is excellent but there should be more closeups on the eyes, slower movements....bah! I wish I could say: out the way, I'll show you what I mean!

Support this great UK talent.

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