Wednesday 24 August 2011

Maroon 5 'Misery' and that Beautiful Bass

I had not heard the name before Maroon 5 'Misery' was released. I knew that the album was produced by Mutt Lange, a legendary producer that needs no introduction, but Mike Shipley was getting many mentions on recording engineer forums (which I sometimes read).

So, on the recommendations of the sound geeks at I bought the Maroon 5 CD…….and was duly bowled away by the first track, 'Misery'.

I have never heard such brilliantly engineered "bottom end" in well, probably ever.

The bass was sitting so low in the track without it sounding like a club remix and the rest of the instruments were all living together in the track in perfect harmony. A text book example of brilliant producing and brilliant engineering.

The mixing of this track is stuff of legends. It could only be the work of a master, Mike Shipley.

Of course, Mutt Lange, the producer, did a sublime job but THAT low end just hits me on an emotional level. It's a sweetspot that is perfect & awe-inspiring. I cannot emphasise enough how much I appreciate it!

Interesting Mike Shipley fact: He worked on 'We Will Rock You' (Queen) and is one of the "stampers" stamping out the famous rhythm in that song. Pretty cool credit, eh? Read more HERE.

Also, on the Gearslutz forum, Mike talks about how the record company slightly meddled with the mastering, especially the loudness part. Here's what he says:

Originally the mastering was 2 db lower , Brad and I thought it was spot on ! The label said it wasn't loud enough. I actually stopped ALL the pressing plants to stop while I re valued the mastering. My point being. I just care so much how loud records are. I would really like this record to be quieter and keep the extra lo end octave !! And keep the balance we went for. 
It's politically hard to say this , but when the "label " asked for it louder , I was upset as tho it wasn't as loud as recent releases , I liked it and figured anyone would turn it up if it was quiet etc. The label wanted it louder to " compete ". But we had " dialogue " over it Yes I was totally bummed. Brad and I had dialed in a modern record that WAS not involved in " level wars " with other artists. 
I tried to convince the label that what we had was great. It went over my Head. So no wonder I'm pissed. I don't work my ass off and put my whole life into a record to find out the label went over my head level wise. It's VERY disturbing to a passionate person , but it happened.  

But regardless, from what I can tell, this is a work of utter genius!

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