Saturday 10 September 2011

Cady Groves - my latest pop fix

Yes!!! My next shot of pop energy has been wheeled in. Thank you, nurse.

A twitter search of Max Martin about 18 months ago revealed a tweet from Cady, from Oklahoma USA, saying that she had just met up with the producer legend for lunch.

I'm a huge fan of Max Martin and now that Cady Groves' music is starting to filter out of her camp I realise that waiting for it for so long was well worth it.

The first track from major label RCA was released as a free download called 'We're The Shit'.

'This Little Girl' has now been released (check and it's an absolute stonker of a tune. I love it.….I'm not sure if Max Martin actually produced any of these 2 songs but the word on the street (internetz) is that Kristian Lundin produces "This Little Girl" one of the founding fathers of Max Martin's previous stable called Cheiron Studios....

Unfortunatley, cos we're Brits we cannot buy it on iTunes. US only. I was ACCESS DENIED my full dose of the Cady drug because of some territorial music industry bollocks.

However, I'm happy to wait as the Cady Groves avalanche gathers size and momentum,  and will eventually drench the UK in candy- flavoured slush. But let me add this: Cady Groves is no flash in the pan and she's a credible artist in her own right.

Follow Cady on @cadygroves

Sept 26th Newsflash! The video for "This Little Girl" is here!!!

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